A great take on Star Wars that the whole family can enjoy

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga X360
Right off the bat I have to say that I never owned the original Lego Star Wars or Lego Star Wars II. Therefore, the fact that much of the content is recycled doesn't bother me at all.

This is one of the most clever, funny games out there. Having grown up with both Legos and Star Wars as the two major timesinks, this hits a nostalga sweet spot. The game itself is quite fun to play - they've done quite a good job at reducing each of the movies to 6 chapters. Not every chapter is what you might expect, but all the highlights are there and they all play quite well. In fact, I think what they've chosen to empasize works as a strength of the game, making the game managable but providing all the moments you love. This game also looks great - bringing next generation hardware along with the fact that it's supposed to look like Legos, and you have a real treat for the eyes. And then there's the cutscenes, which are fantastic - both true to the original movies but with clever new humor added into the mix.

As for gameplay, it gets the job done. The ability to play multiple characters is quite fun, and you can unlock a stunning range of Lego-ized Star Wars characters. The play is fun, with different types of characters having slightly different abilities - so that while the game is easy it's not boring. The only complaint I have about the gameplay is that the camera views aren't that great - they are rather limited in your ability to spin around and see different angles and sometimes you can have difficulty seeing what is going on.

Overall, this is a fun addition to any game library. If you grew up as a fan of both Lego and Star Wars, the amount of joy you'll get in watching the intro scenes to Episodes 4, 5 and 6 is hard to underestimate. I didn't expect much when I purchased this, but now I can't wait to see Lego Indiana Jones.