Complete Saga is the best Star Wars game to date for the DS!

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga DS
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a game that doesn't realize it was made for a handheld. So much stuff is packed into this game that it feels like you are playing the console versions. I was really surprised how much content Complete Saga has. All six episodes can be played in this game. Each episode has 5 missions, with at least one in each episode being a vehicle mission. Even after you play though the missions you will want to go back and play again in free mode to be able to unlock all of the stuff hidden behind areas you couldn't get to in story mode. The gameplay is fun and the controls are easy to use. Each level feels different and reminds you of scenes you love from the movies. The length of the missions are perfect. They aren't too short and they aren't so long that you can't pick up the DS and play a mission when you have a few free minutes.

As you play through the story you collect Studs. The studs allow you to purchase other characters to play as well as allowing you to purchase the mini games. The characters you purchase can be used during free mode on any of the missions. It also allows you to use their parts to create up to 2 unique characters using the Character Creator.

Gone are the glitches of the previous Lego Star Wars titles. This game runs smooth and personally I haven't had any problems with it. Im very happy they didn't just cram the other versions into one game and not bother fixing any of the issues. Only a few things could have made this game better. First of the all the cutscenes look like something out of South Park. It would have been a lot better if they were more like the console versions. More than likely they had to make the cut scenes this way to be able to get all of the rest of the stuff into the game. Overall they weren't bad and would rather have had all of the missions we got instead of nicer looking cutscenes. The character creator is a great feature but some of the droid parts were missing. I was disappointed I couldn't make a custom character with Grievous' four lightsabers. Also more parts that were unique would have been nice, for example the ability to duel wield lightsabers would have been cool.

Most of the things that could have made this game better were small, trivial ideas in comparison to all of the great things in this game. In my opinion Star Wars: The Complete Saga is the best Star Wars game so far on the DS. A worthy addition to any collection.