Come to the Dark side, chop Jar Jar Binks, whoever you are, Lego games are fun, fun for everyone.

User Rating: 8 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga PC
Each lego game produced has the same core value, Lego. Whether your using the force, swinging from limb to limb, or waving your magic ward. Each game is based on its title. This being the Star Wars saga.
The design team have pitched the Original trilogy game from 2006, and added the last three movies to complete the series. If you played the original, you'll find the hidden treasures and same characters in the right places with a couple of new surprises. Once you start the next trilogy (eps 1,2,3) you can start to use the characters in the old series with their own certain skills.
All the starships/vehicles from all 6 movies are here, but its when you start the newer episodes things are harder.
There are alot move golden bricks to collect, twice as many red bricks to find, and now a Challenge mode where you must find ten blue minikit icons. You'll need some special searching abilities to complete these.
Now a gripe, the two player mode, its frustrating.. Like every other lego game except the latest Indiana jones, each player must remain close to each other or else you can get dragged off a ledge to your doom, or just simply both of you fight over who's going what direction.. In the vehicle missions, this is virtually impossible to play.
With that said, the game is fun for all ages, my son loves it, especially as Jango Fett... Use the force and have fun