Lego Star Wars is probably a lot more fun than actually playing with Legos, minus all of the messy cleanup.
The Complete Saga is essentially, all six movies, each movie split into six stages. You'll get preset characters when you play through story mode, that represent the characters used in that part of the movie. (You cant take down Darth Maul with Luke, for instance, in story mode). In free play, however, you can choose any character you've unlocked. There are 36 story levels, 20 bounty hunter missions and 6 bonus levels.
The gameplay is pretty simple. You'll go through the stages, and solve puzzles, and take down enemies, ranging from stormtroopers to various droids and everything in between.
Each character can jump, shoot, or swing a lightsaber/use force powers, or toss timed explosives. There are also piles of Lego blocks scattered around the levels that you can assemble into vehicles, or staircases, or levitate with force powers.
There are over 150 characters to unlock and for the most part, the main characters like Yoda and Luke and Leia, look pretty much like their real life counterparts know, if they were really made out of Legos. (mmm...Lego Mark Hamil). Many of the characters are just clones, however, like the different types of battle droids seen in Episode I, and the different kinds of Imperial Officers/Troopers.
Whats neat is that a lot of the Jedi feel different, as they have different ways to swing their saber, and jump around differently from Jedi to Jedi. Yoda is his Episode II self, with flips and spins and Mace Windu has devastating combos with his signature purple lightsaber. (I'm not gonna go as far as saying that he uses his signature Vaapad style, but each Jedi feels like a unique character). Many of the characters have their signature moves, as well. Lego Palpatine has his force lightning and Lego Vader has his patented choke. Even Chewie, if in close quarters, can rip the arms off of Lego enemies. (Now that's style!)
Gameplay in story mode has its moments, as well. There are little in game cut scenes that poke fun at the movies, and most of them arent bad at all.
The graphics are pretty standard fare, for the most part, but some levels definitely look better than others. The forest moon of Endor, for instance has light streaming in between lush trees, which is kind of a nice effect in a Lego game. Similarly, the area underneath the base on Hoth has a lot of chasms and deep blues and light shimmering off icy surfaces that really dont look all that bad.
The soundtrack is pretty much the standard Star Wars stuff you get in almost any Star Wars game. Not that its bad stuff, you've just heard it before (about a thousand times).
There's also the option to play story mode, or a battle mode in an arena online, which is pretty fun as well. The battle mode can be one sided, depending on who you choose as your character, but you can easily flip through several characters using the shoulder buttons, like in the main game.
Whether you're a casual fan of the movies, or own every single action figure ever released, and keep them in pristine, perma mint condition in vacuum sealed bags, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is still fun. Its a game that can be played with almost anyone, making it a rare treat for families and hardcore gamers alike. The Force is definitely strong with this one.