LTFA: It needs better ways to make it easier to unlock gameplay.

User Rating: 5 | LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Deluxe Edition) PS4

I do like LEGO games, but to a degree.

The problem with LEGO Star Wars the Force Awakens is that to 100 % a lot of the levels you have to unlock certain characters, and for that to happen you have to do certain side missions like Trouble over Taul, and to unlock that you have to get 50 gold bricks, and to do that you have to do side quests. So basically you have to do side quests to unlock characters to hundred percent complete the main story. It's like a domino effect of missions from all over the place to do before being able to hundred percent the story, this is not to mention that you HAVE to play the Dejarik Battle mode (that have no way shape or form to do with the story) to unlock some of the heavy-hitting chatterers that break blue cracks in certain (free play mode of) main story missions.

I think it's time I start looking for another LEGO game, or bite my lip and keep moving along. Overall, it depends on what type of gamer you are. If you find walls of limits blocking your way to certain missions unless you do other side missions as challenging and fun, then this is the game for you.