This is pretty cool! A worth while play!

User Rating: 7.5 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
I played this a while ago, but I can write a review now, so thats what I'm doing.
First off, the premise. You should know, but if you don't, the general premise is that LEGO Star Wars is a LEGO version of Star Wars (O RLY?), and as it's the first game out of 2, it has stages from the first 3 episodes (and a bonus stage where you play as Darth Vader at the beggining of Episode 4), featuring the more exciting, action based parts.
The gameplay is simple, with simple controls that are easy to master. They vary slightly between different characters. Some characters have certain abilities that others can't use (Jedi can use the force (YA RLY!), astromech droids can hack certain doors etc.), so you have to swap with other characters during levels.
The CPU controlled characters aren't really stupid, but still pretty basic. Tehy follow you, attack enemies, and if you're not playing 2 player, they'll help you in certain puzzles you can't do on your own, like getting switches to lift patforms for you.
It's easy to play through the story quickly, but afterwards there are minkits (10 per level) to collect, which, when all collected, create a vehicle in the parking lot outside Dexters Diner (more on that later). Also, you must complete a level with enough money (Jedi Status Bar) to collect a piece of the Megakit, which creates a special vehicle outside in the parking lot in iut's own special area. The cutscenes in Story Mode are also rather amusing, with no need for dialogue and just silly LEGO men doing stupid things (but still recognisable against the story).
Also, there is the Free Play mode, which you'll need to reach some of the medikits. You get a character of your choice, and then the computer will select another of each 'type' for you (Jedi, Blaster character, Droid etc.). During the level, you can swap characters. The CPU will swap during certain puzzles, as mentioned earlier. Some of these characters are not usually available during some levels in Story mode, so you can use them here to reach secret areas.
When not in a level, you reside in Dexters Diner, where you can buy tips, certain unlockable characters and cheats from him. Outside is a parking lot, where random characters you've unlocked will stroll around, as well as inside the Diner. outside, though, the forces of good and evil have a habit of killing each other, which is fun to watch. If you take over a character thats being attacked, you'll continue to be attacked 'till you die. As Vader, I had around 6 Jedis chasing me at the same time once!
Some of the cheats are practical, while most are appearence altering, such as giving the characters moustaches (yes, even R2-D2), purple lightsabers for Jedi's or alternative blasters.
A second player can join or drop out at any time and take over a character.
Most fun in 2-player but still enjoyable alone, this game is rather easy to complete, but is still very fun while it lasts. Even after completion, it's still fun to mess around with sometimes (I'm borrowing an AR, and it's very entertaining watching C-3PO run very fast in his gurny walk and fly around in the air).
Also, I do believe that characters unlocked in this are usable in LEGO Star Wars 2, so that may be the only way to get some in that game.
I do reccomend this if you want it before LEGO Star Wars 2 or for any other reason, a good romp. Thanks for reading!