Very quirky and innovative game, that deserves all the hype is gets, way better than the actual movie based game.
User Rating: 9.1 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
What can i say about lego star wars, great, fun, very cool. yeah that about sums it up, naw, there is a lot more to lego star wars that meets the eye. Yes it may seem like a game that came out just for the release of the movie and it is just half a**, but its not. This is a very good game, the combat is very cool, and very easy to get into, the graphics are really cool, force powers arent really abundant in here, but that didnt take away the incredible fun i had with this game, not at all. Graphics- The graphics are really nice and cool, i love them, they are a lot better than some other games graphics for the ps2, (the version i played). the lightsabers are really beautiful, more prettier than the actually based movie game. The lego versions of the movie characters look almost just like the actors in real life, which is really cool. Audio- The audio presentation in this game is really incredible, really crisp beautiful sounds. What i found really interesting about the game is that none of the lego characters in the game talk, they express their feelingds through their body movements, which i found really humurous. And also, the opening theme song to every star wars movie is there, of course, if it wasnt there, nobody would buy this game, ah music to my ears. The lightsaber sounds are really great, and especially the blaster fire, if the blaster fire wasnt the same, i wouldnt have played it any longer. Gameplay- The gameplay is really unique, the game carries this system of fighting where if you time your attacks just right, they become more powerful, of course im talking about the jedi. In the episode two stages, there are stages where you have to fly a republic battleship across geonosis and fire on little generators and make them explode to pass on, which i thought was cool, and in the beginning of episode three, you have the part of the movie where obi-wan and anakin fly over the battle over coruscant and they blow up ships and everything, thats in this game. The combat for this game is really well done, its not difficult and its not too easy, which is really rare for a game of this magnitude. When you are playing as a blaster toting character, there is automatic aim, so you dont have to keep messing with the controls to shoot something. Overall- Overall the game is pure fun, any star wars fan, that likes action, not too hardcore, but very cool combat, pick this game up, audio is great, presentation is awesome and everythin about the game is really cool.