it was about time for pc users to have a fun to play action game without big slammy monsters & fear factors
User Rating: 5.8 | LEGO Star Wars PC
lego star wars is a verry good looking action game with great hummor fantastic star wars music the game is a port of ps2 version with little better grfx the grfx of the game are verry good but i have found that you may have some problems with some of ati radeon 9200 se cards like polygon breaks. the music of the game & most of the sounds from lightblades & blasters are from the star wars movies something that make the game verry good sounding the gameplay of the game is a litle sloppy if you dont have a ps2 like game pad but you will not have problems to gontrols you characters the only bad about the game is that is small the characters dont have speech & that the game is not a pc one but a port from another system. lego star wars enyway is a verry fun to play game & a good break for eny gamer from 9 years old to 999 but is not one of the titles that will leave a mark in the video games legacy