This game is awesome! I didn't think that would actually come out of my mouth, but it did. This game is so much fun. Who doesn't like Lego? I mean really, and while I have heard rumors that there are some people out there (I can only presume that they're terrorists) don't like Star Wars, but suck it up! The graphics are kind of lame. They don't really look polished , but at the same time, it really gives you a feel of playing with Lego. That is great. The ability to go back after story mode, and in fact this is a necessity if you want to get all mini-kit pieces, etc. It has a lot of replay value, especially when you can play multiplayer. Enjoying this game with another Star Wars fan is great. I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed this game. Pick it up new ($49 CDN at EB Games) or used, or rent it or whatever. Play it, and love it.
Back in the late 70's, in my early childhood, there were 2 things that occupied me during my more than ample free time: Legos and Star Wars. Many people my age grew up loving the multicolored blocks and the awe inspirin... Read Full Review
Wow! What a surprise! I never saw this one coming. I mean, who would have thought that a game this creative would ever find its way into the world of gaming today? Traveller's Tales delivers a wonderfully creative twist ... Read Full Review