As hard as you try you just can't resist this game...

User Rating: 7.8 | LEGO Star Wars XBOX
Lego Star Wars is one the most childish, 6 year-old oriented game I've ever played. That's just the problem though, I CAN'T STOP PLAYING IT!!!! You would have to be pretty cold hearted and have no inner-child to give this game less than a 7. The graphics....are nothing really to look at, they could've been just as good on one of the older systems. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt because it was made for little kids. The gameplay is pretty basic, jump, attack, special ability, jump attack combo. It is kind of unresponsive when you are in a fight, but not that big of a deal. Sound is pretty well done even though lego people....can't talk. You would think it is a bad thing, but once you see Jar Jar run up to you and not be able to talk, you understand why. This game is really cool because your little siblings can play it without them getting all frustrated because of the complex gameplay. The co-op mode is kind of neat being like gaunlet, but like gauntlet your little bro can't have a short attention span and not be able to do you what you say. If that's the case you'll be saying stuff like..."No, over here!" "Jump over the ledge, No stop dying!" "Now step on the lever" "Use the force to....Ughh!!!!! I give up!!!" So your patience level has to be pretty high. The game is nice, but another fatal flaw, IT IS TOO SHORT. I unlocked everything in.....two days. Even the "Mystery Level" wich is the begining of episode 4. I liked this game, but more serious gamers will have trouble finding interest in it.