An innovative design to one of the biggest francises in history.

User Rating: 7.4 | LEGO Star Wars GC
This game is worth a rent. You can beat this game and get all the characters(Hint: with the right cheats). The only ones you need to work for is the story ones and the "Secret Extra stage" characters Darth Vader and Storm Trooper.

The graphics are very interesting that almost everything is made of Lego bricks and pieces. It was pretty interesting to look at.

The sound was pretty decent in the game. I like hear the classic Star Wars music. The sounds were not ground breaking, but still decend.

The gameplay is pretty decent. It is pretty fun controling other Star Wars characters. A little on the easy side.

The value is that as I said is just worth a rental. The real reason I completed this game and get 100% of all the character is that I heard that you can transfer the characters to Lego Star Wars 2: The original Trilogy coming later this year.