Lego star wars is a quite good game with the mix of star wars and lego but if your not a fan of lego I recommend renting

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
Lego star wars is quite a good game with the mix of star wars and lego but if your not a fan of lego I reccomend renting.
But if you do like lego and star wars like me it is a brilliant game single player and multi player. Not knowing what will happen next adds even more thrill too the game. It is rather easy but with the end of level bosses you do need a small amount of skill.The graphics in this game look very similar to lego so they definetly acomplished that goal. Although I do have too say the fact that the lightsabre glows isn't all that legoish. Being able too use the force definetly adds more exitement to the game in Lego star wars 2 : The original Triolagy They havn't got much too improve on apart from the glow.
I deffinetly agree with Michael French from the Official Playstation 2 Magazine who said that it could be the best Star Wars videogame ever.