Lego + star wars = crap? Wrong again.

User Rating: 8 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
At first, it may seem like star wars fans would be pissed about having thare beloved charecters being turned into legos. But, as it turns out, it was as fun as stuff.

Gameplay: being legos, are blocky jedi can move blocks whare ever it needs to go. The game is made for the kiddies, but is simple yet oh so satisving. Whitch brings up the question, someone likes lego star wars, but dosen't like nintendo because of thare (made up) kiddy image? One thing this game should be known for, is the co-op. It's realy fun, exept thare is no vs., it's just co-op.

graphics: avarage as avarage can be, with blocky animation, and avarage textures.

sound: You get the orcastral scores of star wars - voice acting (if you call Anikin's actor, acting) = great sound.

story: if you haven't seen episodes 1 thrugh 3. You outta luck, I'm not telling.

overall: great multiplayer - good graphics + great music = great game.