TT proves once again that they can make a fantastic experience out of legos!
This time around they went for a really long level design. Levels generally consist of a number of scenes from the movie, and as such a level can take you upwards of 20 minutes or so the first time you play through it. This could be due to the desire to collect every stud you see, and to take your time and enjoy the story.
Story is the key word here. Past Lego games have told the story via silly cut scenes, but with the Lego characters making basic sounds and mainly getting the point across with gags and facial features. With LotR, TT seems to have realized that they would need voices to adequately tell the Tolkien's story, and they've used them to great effect. There were times when I felt the same emotions as I did while watching the movie, and that's a testament to how perfect the addition of voice is to a Lego game.
The downside of this is that now that we've had voices, it makes every other Lego game feel lacking. Going back and playing Harry Potter, it just makes me wish they had done voice overs for that as well. Hopefully they follow suit with the next Lego game, though I won't hold it against them if they don't.
Lego Lord of the Rings is a great addition to anyone's game collection, be they a Lego fan or just simply a fan of the story. 9 out of 10.