How much nerve does it take to wreck a series? Certainly the amount of work that was put in this broken game.
Magna Cum Laude was not terrible, it was pretty decent providing among great mature video game humor and proved in my eyes that they can do some good without Al Lowe. Sure, MCL was not a puzzle game like the original. It was more strategy, and it did change gameplay, but it did put that funny little guy we call Larry Laffer, and put him in a much younger nephew called Larry Lovage and managed to keep his character. Now here comes Box Office Bust with Codemasters and here comes terrible graphics, broken gameplay, not even that funny dialogue, different view on characters, and terrible glitches, and what did they do with the gameplay? They took the strategy and puzzle right out of Box Office Bust and turned it into some sort of platformer. Are you kidding? I did not even come out with a Good or Bad for this game because there is nothing but bad.
Codemasters, WTF?
This is what happens when they just sell of any IP to any developer without knowing that the developer obviously is not into mature comedy and puzzle video games and completely screw up by giving them the complete contract.
Complete Contract? Oh NO!!
That is right. With Codemasters running Funsta, this means Codemaster now owns the contract and Al Lowe will not be involved in another Leisure Suit Larry game. Al Lowe, I am sorry that your brilliant game series has been humiliated. Activision-Blizzard did a terrible thing by sending this series over. Sierra should have kept it. Let's blame Activision-Blizzard, not Codemasters. You obviously should not be selling a complete contract to another company when the predecessor did not even sell well, and where there is a genius they could have just gave the series back to (IE; Al Lowe).
Seriously, do not buy this game.
Sorry Codemasters! You are a good company, but you failed us!