Returning Leisure Suit Larry gamers: this is very much NOT the adventure game you're used to.

User Rating: 5.5 | Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude PS2
Leisure Suit Larry's first outing on consoles marks the change from cheeky point-and-click to a wobbly collection of mini games. Perhaps it was (wrongly) thought that console gamers would appreciate this gameplay format more? Either way, the difference in quality can be quite squarely put down to the fact that Al Lowe, creator of the original Larry games, had no involvement whatsoever.
You will spend the majority of your time playing very easy mini games, broken up only by frustratingly hard trampolining games (for which the controls feel clunky and awkward). The graphics are middling, save some very jarring scaling issues - in some instances Larry is waist-height, in others he is monstrously oversized. The voicing is pretty good and there are a few funny moments, but it doesn't prevent this game - or Larry - from being a bit of a flop.
Despite all this, nostalgia might demand that you pick up this game. Just don't expect too much from it.