For any of you out there that are fans of the lemmings games this is a must have. If you are new to lemmings this is a good one to start with, and has a tutorial to teach you the ropes. The graphics look nice at 720p, the sound simple but fitting, and you can't beat the price of just over 3 dollars after tax. Some of the 44 new levels take place at night durring a thunderstorm. Your lemmings walk around with candels and illuminate the path as they go. This bring in a new level of strategy as you can't tell exactly whats up ahead as you only see glimpses of it when lightning strikes. You can zoom in to get up close and personal, pause, and fastforward all of which make the experiance much more fun removing any tedium experianced in past itterations. You can save multiple profiles of lemmings so you can compete with your friends for high scores on your own system, and the scores are sent out online so you can compare yourself to the rest of the PS3 community.
If your still unsure, you can download a free trial version with 4 levels that will give you a good taste of what to expect.
Lemmings, the highly addictive game, has made its way onto the PS3 as a downloadable from the Playstation Store. If you were a lemmings fan at some point in your life and now have a PS3 and a broadband internet connecti... Read Full Review
...and that's quite the steal. I was a Lemmings addict on the PC (I still think Lemmings 2: The Tribes was vastly underappreciated) and so I've been really pleased to see the series experience its recent renaissance, fir... Read Full Review