Lemmings, those little mindless drones that due your bidding, have climbed, floated and built their way onto the PS3.
Gameplay: The gameplay is the exact same way it has always been. The lemmings are lost and you need to tell them what to do so they can make their way to the exit. To accomplish this you must make them dig, mine, block, explode, build, climb and more so that they (and/or their friends) can finally make it to the exit. Nothing too complex to get you started, but the harder difficulties can easily drive you insane in a matter of moments.
Graphics: There isn't much to say here, its nothing groundbreaking. Graphics like this could have been achieved on just about any other system.
Sound: The sound can be annoying at times... especially the slat sound when one of you lemmings hits the ground hard and dies. That will REALLY start to make you mad. Nothing good or bad about it, its just some old instrumental music and lemming noises.
In all, if you loved lemmings in the past and want a refreshing feel of the old games get it. If you just want to try it out, get the demo and then decide. But never write this addictive game off without playing it at least once.