A waste of money to buy, trial worth though.
You'll find yourself getting far very quickly, its quite quick to get to the best.
Recipe was an experiment that was not very good... all you have to do is set it to;
7 Lemons
4 Sugar
2/3/4 Ice(depends on temperature)
The menu graphics are fine, but the game graphics are not so; simple, barely animated... not good overall.
This is just my opinion but the music is the the of music you'd hear in some small stuffy shops to distract people and make them buy something.
Its quite irritating to me...
Clever idea but too many "basic" limits, for example; limit for each stall type and upgrade limits???
Very, VERY easy, you'll get up high very quick unless you're inexperienced in strategy sim.
Learning curve
You wouldn't learn much from this game, id say...