I'm a great fan of the books, so what do I think of the game?
I'm way too lazy to write the name right now since it's so long. This game was based on the movie which was based on the books. The book series always had bad endings and all that other unfortunate stuff. So obviously, the movie and the game both have bad endings. The game and movie is based on the first three books. So I'm guessing there'll be sequels for this movie and game for the other books. Unless the movie and game didn't do so well. The movie probably didn't do so well. Considering the fact that I watched it and don't like it that much. But the game on the other hand, was a pretty good game.
The gameplay is mostly simple switching character gameplay. What I mean is that, Violet and Klaus, the older kids, switch between each other in alot of levels. Which is very similar to some games like a level in Shrek 2. They still have some levels where they are by themselves though. But in most cases, they are together. Sunny, the baby, has her own levels. And most of them are 2.5D levels. They're nothing special and are simple levels but fun. The bosses are very good too. Though, it would've been nice to have a battle for the last boss instead of something like a mini game. The graphics aren't very impressive. The character models are very bad. The environments look ok but nothing impressive. If you want a game with the graphics of a game like Halo, don't look for it here. Movie licensed games usually don't have a good history when it comes to graphics so this was no surprise.
The sound is nothing special. The voice acting is straight from the movie which was a good thing. The voice acting is awesome and fits all of the characters very well. The sound affects though, are nothing special. They are average. The soundtrack is pretty good I guess. Can't remember what the soundtrack sounded like since I sold the game unfortunately. Overall, this game is a pretty good game. It's much better then lots of other movie licensed games for sure. The game is too short though so find yourself playing this game for four to five hours. So, I suggest you rent it since it's so short.