A good game for younger people or horse CRAZY people like me. I have cheats in here!
User Rating: 7.7 | Let's Ride! Sunshine Stables GBA
This game has virtually NO music! I play it for hours and the only sounds I get from it are a rooster crowing and little chinks. Otherwise, it has music only while riding and on the title page. Due to the other person's review, you might dismiss it as a "junk" game, but if you buy it pre-owned, ask the store if you can try it before you buy. Most resprectable game stores wil let you. I bought this at a Best Buy for 25$, and at first my heart sank when I saw the horses. I have played other Let's Ride! games, but this has the worst graphics. My only other problems included a glitch where a foal left mom too soon and I ended up with a phantom horse I couldn't sell and wouldn't do anything. My other problem: sometimes your horse won't jump during Ride Out. Just try as hard as you can and let it crash up to two times before you give up. Just ahead are a few hints to make your game easier and more fun. Use them if you want!
When you have a stallion of your own, breed your mare. When she foals (gives birth) send the baby ( if it's a girl )to the breeding pasture with the stallion. If you breed her at age one, She'll have her own foal at age six. As soon as the baby's back, send the mare to the pasture as well. In five rounds, they'll both have a foal! Repeat if you want. Just expand the stable before you do this!
Get in debt really early in the game. Spend all your credits on upgrading your farm, feed, and clippers. This will leave you with only enough credits for two rounds of payments, just don't advertise. When you're in the negative figures, spend 15,000 on a TV ad. The next day and the rest of the game, You'll roll in at least 5,000 credits a day! I have tried it many times and it works like a dream.