Excellent gameplay and an amazing artstyle make Limbo one of the best games of 2010.

User Rating: 9.5 | LIMBO X360
Story - Limbo doesn't really have a story. The boy you play as has no backstory and throughout the game there is no narrative. Simply because of this I'm not going to count the story towards the final score or give the story a score.

Graphics - The graphics in Limbo are simply amazing. The artstyle is just fantastic. I can't give the graphics enough praise. PLAYDEAD nails the atmosphere with the moody black and white visuals. The animations are all fluid and smooth contributing to the great gameplay that I'll get more into in the gameplay section. Overall the graphics, the artstyle and the animations make the graphics one of the best parts of Limbo.

Gameplay - The gameplay in Limbo is another thing that PLAYDEAD gets right. The gameplay has the perfect blend of platforming, puzzles, and deaths, without getting fustrating. First off I'll talk about the platforming. The platforming in Limbo is well done. It's not Prince of Persia or Assassins Creed good but it's still well done. The fluid animations contribute to the enjoyment of the platforming making it a joy to platform. The next area I'll get into are the puzzles. The puzzles in Limbo are excellent and will make you think. Puzzles in the first half of the game aren't particularly hard like moving a bear trap into the right place to defeat an enemy. However they are still fun to do. Puzzles in the second half of the game are more complex though. You have to do things like switch gravity and they are very satisfying when you beat them. Until you figure them out you will die alot. Limbo is a trial and error game that never gets fustrating. When you die there are no loading times you will have to sit through and you will restart on the puzzle you just failed. Overall the gameplay in Limbo is very solid in Limbo and I have no negative things to say about the gameplay.

Enjoyment - I enjoyed Limbo very much and with flawless graphics and gameplay it was one of my favourite games of 2010. However there is only one thing I can fault this game for and that is the length. You can beat Limbo in about six hours and there really isn't that much else to do. However I'm still happy I bought Limbo because I'm going to replay Limbo because I had so much with it the first time through.

Story - Not counting it because it didn't really have one.
Graphics : 10 - The black and white artstyle and the fluid animations combine to make Limbo an amazing looking game.
Gameplay : 10 - Limbo mixes puzzles and platforming to perfection making the gameplay a solid part of Limbo
Enjoyment : 9 - Limbo is a highly enjoyable game because of it's perfect gameplay and flawless graphics. The only thing holding back a ten for the enjoyment section is the dissapointing length.
Final Score: 9.5 - Despite the short length I recommend you pick up this game straight away if you haven't already.