In the world of copycats, it's refreshing to see creative and unique game like Limbo.
If I had to describe what Limbo is about in one sentence, it's about little boy who tries to survive in hostile world. It's hard to describe plot because the game hardly has any: your character is thrown into this strange and alien world without any explanation and the game ends in similar fashion. The main character seems to be trying to reach this little girl but it's anybody's guess why; maybe for the sole reason that she is the only person in entire game not trying to kill him.
It seems that plot was left this vague on purpose because it fits well with the artwork. The game is black and white, the only sounds you'll hear are ambient noises. The scenery varies from forest infested with giant spiders to underground factories with strange gravity switching devices. Just when you think that you might be on another planet you stumble across what looks like city with "Hotel" sign in it.
I was very impressed how creative game creators got when it came to puzzles and how much they did with so little to work with. In other adventures you have inventory system that often has everything including kitchen sink, ability to advance plot through conversation and so on. Not in limbo: no inventory here, you won't speak a word to anyone and controls consist of just four direction and one interaction button. Very often I came to what seemed like dead end and I thought that there's no way to progress further; but after careful examination of surroundings I'd always find a way.
I have only two complaints about this game. One is that sometimes certain areas felt like a grind; some puzzles required precise and well timed combination of jumps and/or other actions. Slight error caused death cases and believe me, it's not fun to watch your character getting ripped apart by rotary blade saw for tenth time.
Another thing is length; it took me barely seven hours to fishing the game and this might not be enough for hardcore platformer fans. However, for ten bucks this game is still great value.
Overall, Limbo is a great game and I hope there will be more like this one coming.