Creative game in a world of shooters!
well, the story is vague and in has no story!
i guess game developers left it with no story to let you imagine what brought that kid to that black and white world (innovative way to get out of lame storyline issue)
the graphics is as simple as fine (it's black and white game what do you expect?)
the sound effects are simply AWESOME,and the physics in it is DOUBLE AWESOME.
one thing i didn't like about it is that i expected to have more variety of obstacles...but obviously they were mythical creatures short, and they only had giant spiders and bear traps!
maybe you'll think I'm crazy but i actually wanna see PLAYDEAD makes a sequel out of it...same style but different characters and/or enemies,in fact i would like to see this vague story puzzle game in other games
i think it's the best puzzle game in years and the best on the platform in 2011 until now, if you are hell bored that game is so gonna suck you in!