Limbo is it Limbolicious?

User Rating: 8 | LIMBO PC
About 7 months ago I became aware of a game called Limbo, I was disappointed however to learn that it was an Xbox 360 exclusive. About the same time that Limbo came out I had finished playing the game Ico which had a somber and ambiguous world which drew me in and kept me there all the way through.

When I finished Ico I wanted more of that illusive world and while looking around a bit on the internet I learned of Limbo. I felt a similar emotional response come over me as I viewed some of limbos dark imagery. I was so intrigued, yet I knew an Xbox 360 wasn't in my future and so I put ideas of Limbo back into limbo.

Out of the blue Limbo became available on PC via Steam download. I was not quite in the same pensive mood I was in 7 months ago which contributed to my enjoyment of Ico, yet my earlier dream of Limbo coming to the PC was realized and I felt to respect this manifestation of my desire.

Limbo drew me in with its simple controls, straight forward path silhouetted art style and intricate puzzles. However there could have been more development in the environment, even though it was unique and excellent compared to most games. I felt the scenery passing me by at times without much of it staying embedded in my emotional body.

There was an opportunity to describe a more intriguing story in Limbo.
I wanted more interesting environments as a back drop, and I wanted to a greater degree be visually guided by seeing more of the ways and means of the inhabitants of this shadowy world. A game at its best really becomes a world of it's own allowing the players imagination to create a unique lore. Limbo did lead me in the direction of this effect, but not completely.

With all that being said Limbo is a fun little diversion, and does have memorability. If anything I'm very interested in the next development from the creators of Limbo.