LIMBO is a shining example of not needing to be a typical genre and still being a fun fantastic game.
This game is very basic and simple and just plain fun and entertaining. The controls are dirt simple and anyone could jump in and play. And that sort of ease of controls makes this game a nice break from the regular gaming scene.
Apparently you are in Limbo...yeah, and from what I've read your sister is in limbo as well and you are trying to find her. Although the game never explains or says anything. You literally get the game menu and hit start and you start with no explanation or anything you just start the game with little to no background. That is it, that is all the story and really it is all you need. The trials you go through in this game gives you a good idea of the kind of character you are playing.
You are a fairly young boy who braves this dark, depressing, sorrowful, grey shaded purgatory. All in the pursuit to find your sister. I only assume this boy must care greatly for his sister for him to endure the many grim, and gruesome deaths throughout the games.
The art style of this game really adds to the overall experience and plays a very integral role in the game as well. The world is all shades of grey and shadow and, some objects may look one way when in fact they are something else entirely. For example one puzzle I was stuck on for a short while was because what looked like to be a solid block turned to be a log that I needed to complete the puzzle.
The art is excellent and it really gives you a feel for how grim this world is. There isn't much in the way of sound. There is no music or at least no lengthy music in the game. And most of the game is played with very quiet sound. It reminds me of those days your outside and its so quiet you could here a pin drop from down the street. It adds to the overall emotion of the games setting of hopelessness and desolation.
The puzzles are also very well done. The games mechanics and physics play a major role into solving all these puzzles and the mechanics and physics are very very believable. A good example that comes to mind is where you need to use the weight and shape of objects to finish a puzzle or where the game has a sort of gravity reverse and you use these to turn the world upside down, side ways and all rules of gravity apply in those directions. It really adds a good dimension to puzzles. There are also many timing puzzles where you have to give yourself just enough time to make it through the puzzle.
Overall the puzzles were enjoyable. I never was stuck on a puzzle in which I had no clue as to how to complete it and they had just enough challenge to them to make them entertaining and fun.
The only real complaint I have is the game is fairly short I beat it in about 6 hours; and the ending is super abrupt ;you finally get to your sister and the game just ends. It also leads you to think that maybe there will be a LIMBO 2 since the end scene has a ladder leading up off scene and now you found your sister. And it leaves you with the question of "Ok, I found her, now what?"
Overall I recommend this game to everyone. It is fun, simple and entertaining and is such a lovely break away from the usual trend of games. Its done well and the environment, physics and art add to the grimness of LIMBO.
This game is a shining example that you don't need to have big expensive budgets, movie stunning graphics and effects, big long elaborate stories, or heart-pounding action to be fun. If you make a game well it will be a hit and it will be fun.
I look forward and hope there is a sequel or even a prequel to LIMBO.