A dark, yet enchanting game.
It's hard to create a game that both manages to charm, and creep out the player like LIMBO does. The player begins their journey in a strangely peaceful forest. Not ten minutes into the game, you'll encounter bear traps, bodies of deep water, boulders, and giant arachnids, all of which are very eager to end your journey. And, they probably will, once or twice (or maybe more). Death in LIMBO is quick, but visceral at the same time. Luckily, LIMBO is rather forgiving when it comes to dying, and you'll likely reappear near where you bit the dust.
Despite the danger, the world of LIMBO has a surprisingly beautiful and haunting setting, heightened by the art style and the quiet soundtrack. The black silhouettes of the people of the world and the dull greyness that surrounds everything heighten the alien feeling of LIMBO. Nothing feels normal, and the locations feel like hollow echoes of what they might have once been. The game really does a good job of creating a sense of loneliness in a hostile world.
The puzzles that you'll encounter in LIMBO are cleverly designed, and you'll probably get stumped once or twice before figuring out that you need to push the crate THAT way, or time your button press like THIS. These puzzles will likely test not only your wit, but your reflexes as well, as reacting too slowly to one of these tests usually results in death.
What more is there to say? LIMBO is a dark, yet strangely enchanting game. The puzzles are clever and even the world feels hauntingly pretty. Despite a lack of narrative and a rather abrupt ending, LIMBO is a game that will hook you in until the finish.