overall, a solid game, though quite challenging
User Rating: 8.5 | Line of Sight: Vietnam (Sold Out) PC
I found this game at some book store like 5 years ago for just $4, so I thought what the hell, I'll buy it. I was surprised. This game has a lot of aspects that I love in fps games. For instance, there are plenty of weapons, a multiplayer co-op mode, night-vision, a commandable partner, and awesome jungle environments. The biggest problem for this game is that the enemy AI are just too good. While this is realistic, it can make the game frustrating as a sniper can pick you off even when he's far off and behind trees that he can't possibly see through. The game is very difficult, even on easy mode, and the only way to get through it, if you don't take hours carefully crawling everywhere, is to quicksave often. But, this does keep you on your toes and prevents the game from being a "run through and mercilessly shoot whatever moves" type of game. A lot of review say that the missions are repetitive and get old fast, but I don't feel that way when I play it. Yes, most of the missions are played in dense underbrush, but the landscapes are interestingly different in each mission and you are pretty free on how you move around each level. I'm not big on playing multiplayer with fps games, but it is fun and adds a good amount of replay value.