A decent Deadly Dozen-clone game.
User Rating: 7.9 | Line of Sight: Vietnam (Sold Out) PC
Line of Sight offers the clichéed tale of an army sniper on his second tour of duty, mixed in with some actual war footage for cut scenes. This together with some believable missions adds a lot to the gameplay atmosphere. So does the fact that the vegetation is quite lush, offering dense foliage for you to crawl through. Gameplay is pretty solid apart from some stupid AI glitches but it doesn't hurt this game more than any other in the same genre. The only annoying bug is that my AI partner would often have me killed since his anxiousness to combat the enemy often led him to shoot me in the back.
Missions play more or less the same. You're dropped in one corner of the map and then you are tasked with getting to the (usually) opposite corner performing one or two objectives along the way. I find that one or two missions is more than enough in one sitting, as it tends to get kind of samey after a while. All in all a rather good game, as long as it is consumed in healthy doses.