User Rating: 9 | Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle PC
I hear a lot of bad reviews that complain about losing levels and items in pvp battles, which make leveling hard. I chose not to worry about that. Thinking of it more as a challenge. You'll have a lot more control over your characters moves, unlike other MMORPG's, in order to evade attacks. The game is meant to be played with other people, to help eachother. Such as, having healers, tanks, and everything between. Of course, if you chose to play by yourself, you'll soon become an easy target, and want to add a low review score on this site. Though working together will get you far, and make the game a lot more fun. Look for clans that are serious about the RPG element, to make the game experience better. Because goofing too much jus gets you nowhere. The more people play the game the right way, as a "RPG", the better the games get. Oh, and I'm sure there where thiefs in fantasy time that mugged people evry once and a while. Sooner or later players like that will realise more people will be working together, becoming out numbered. Then they'll want to start joining clans. Graphically the game is much better than previous MMORPG's. The sountrack is epic and great, Gameplay is fun