Interactive art that rewards your curiosity.
Linger In Shadows (LiS) is an interactive artwork about sigils and cats with evil stares and a big octopus machine
thing accompanied by this evil black stuff that turns a dog to stone and the octopus machine thing smashes the dog
before climbing up a sigil and being restrained by the evil black stuff and then lights out. Yeah I never got it either but
I guess art can be whatever you want it to be. Those who chose to purchase and interact with this art will surely be
rewarded for the efforts. There are hidden puzzle pieces within the game and sigils to be discovered and things to be
manipulated which will ulimately result in you earning trophies. LiS has great graphics and a great soundtrack to
compliment it all. For $2.99 USD, it's a can't-miss
experience. I highly recommend to all ages.