More like "Link: The Embarresments of Evil"
Link: Gee. Its so boring around here!
King: Ma boi, this peace is what all true warriors stribe for.
Link: I just wonder what Ganons up to.
Genie: SQUADILA!!!!!! WE'RE OFF!!!!!
Or some
Anyway, after that, It's basically like Zelda II. You go around killing stuff, watching cheeky FMV's along the way, going to Ganon and kill him. Oh, & before that, you hear him saying "DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" then "IT BURN'S!!!!!!".
Other than that, you shouldn't be playing this! Infact this is a warning from the NHS! Do not touch this game or give it to your friends. This causes an infection called "bad games". Just Kidding.
Youtube Poop! Where theres smoke, they pinch back! & where they take the cheeky CD-i FMV's & edit it, its cheeky!
The FMV's are really funny. Well sort of.....
This embarrasses Link & the Zelda series.