this game is extremely short but with the great sound and your favourite levels from twighlite princess u keep going bac
User Rating: 7.5 | Link's Crossbow Training WII
this game is the shortest game i have ever played but no matter with the great soundtrack and ur fav levels from twighlite princess it ends out being a pretty decent game. seeing as it is only a demo game the graphics sound and controls for this game are fantastic. if u really liked twighlite princess but cant be bothered to play the game all over again then this game is definataley for u. using the wii zapper u go through dungeons and arenas from the zelda game and shoot the crap out of goblins and keese and other annoying critters that u have got to know already. the game has a pretty good multiplayer part to it as well. u can pick this game up and be better than someone who has being playing it for ages as it isnt hard at all. just accuracy and consistancy is the key. the wii zapper is the real reason for buying the it though