Definitely an improvement over the first one. Amazing single player, and even better community.

User Rating: 9.5 | LittleBigPlanet 2 PS3
I was skeptic at first the pre-order this game, as I had a hard time getting into the first one. Eventually I beat the first one and then the hype hit. For the first time I actually believed it, so I pre-ordered the collector's edition. The moment I got the game I played it for 3 days straight, took only about 5-7 hours to beat the single player campaign, really easy. After that though I needed more lbp, so I created a custom level. It took me 5 hours to create an "okay" Dead Space level. I created my own necromorphs and space craft, within the level the space craft has parts that are burning and dismantled. After battling through necromorphs and broken space station you get to a giant necromorph dog boss. After that it's over. Not the best level ever but it's my first. I feel the level editor is really easy to learn and create levels. Publishing the levels is extremely simple as well. There's only one complaint I have about the game. Loading times are long! It may have just been my connection, but it was horrible. Loading time bad, everything else amazing. A must play for any PS3 owner.