More is not always better.

User Rating: 7 | LittleBigPlanet 2 PS3
The biggest issue I have with this game is that it seems like the developers wanted to do to include too much in this game. It doesn't feel as cohesive as the first game as there's just too many game types. I would have liked to see them tighten up the platforming from the first game and built better levels focused around platforming instead of sidescrolling shooters and developing new gameplay mechanics. The grappling hook addition would have been plenty! It's cool that they've included the level creator again, but seriously...who the heck is actually going to really take the time to make a good, polished level? Even the ones that were put in the LBP Game of the Year edition weren't anything to write home about. I wish they just would have focused on putting together a more solid story-mode.

Overall, it's an ok game. Nowhere near as great as a Mario, sonic or Donkey Kong game, but it has it's moments of charm. There's really not much replay value other than playing through the levels again. Collecting bubbles only gives you a score and doesn't have much value other than that. Sure, you can collect bubbles for more decorations, but how about unlockables with more value like...extra levels!...or characters with different abilities to get to otherwise unreachable areas!

I just don't understand why this game has gotten so much hype. It plays well, looks good and is cute, but the overall experience is just 'meh' for me. The first game impressed me somewhat with it's originality, but they took originality too far with this one and didn't make a cohesive experience. Honestly, it feels like the developers tried to take an idea from bunch of lazy-ass college kids and make it into a game, that's the best I can describe it. "I want it to be original, but I don't wanna try to hard..." lol.