At first its daunting, but then you realise the absolute infinite possibilities contained within this game.

User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Now, LittleBigPlanet cannot be defined as just one genre. To me this falls into two categories a sandbox game and a plat-forming game.

This part of the game is what you would usually see advertised the most, and for good reasons the plat-forming is solid. Even at some points where it can be very,very frustrating, but if you persevere. You will find that it is very rewarding when you get the 100% completion, which of course makes you wanting more.
The controls for this are relativity simple such as X to jump and R1 to grab on but combine this with some pretty amazing levels and it can get pretty tricky.

This is by far the most important part of LittleBigPlanet to me, as I have spent the most time on this. And for good reasons, the creation tools are simple yet surprisingly deep and complex. For example with some simple switches and pistons you can make a fully functioning flying tanky-thingy which shoots lasers and rockets... It's possible believe me!
Although at first this might seem like a boatload of stuff to learn but through practice and the ever so helpful voice of Stephen fry you'll be hearted left, right and centre.

In conclusion I would say that Littlebigplanet, is a fantastic and innovative game with great plat-forming and creation tools that let you shine. Even at it's low points once you get through them you'll be glad you bought this game .