Unique, and one of the most creative games i have ever had!
Campaign is really fun to play with, it helps u learn the basics about the game and what u can create within the game. It doesn't mean that campaign is useless, u also get costumes, stickers, and objects from it to make ur levels more fun to play with.
Graphics are really amazing especially if u have the HDMI cable, Sack boy is the wackiest character Sony has ever thought of. He's Cute entertaining and got really cute facial expressions,u can control everything about him, including his arms and facial expression which is a really cool new idea to video games.
Sound/Music: Sound goes with the flow of the game, and the music which they chose really fits into the gameplay.
Gameplay is really easy and straight forward, especially creating ur own level, but creating a level can take ALOT of time to make.
Overall 9.5 is the perfect score for this game, it doesn't really deserve a 10! but its a REALLY FUN GAME TO BUY, and is welcomed to the Playstation Library. YOU WILL have fun sharing and creating levels online while playing with ur friends and their wacky costumes!!!!!