Little Big Planet Sony's answer to Nintendos Mario
User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Little Big Planet was first introduced at E3 2007 and then we knew Sony really had a revolutionary project. As the game takes you through a story that does not go to deep but truely makes you think. The objective is to collect as many bubbles and items which you will use when you decide to create your own level. There are other hidden items such as keys which provide the user with many games that are not always origional but with a sackboy by your side it makes everything so much better. The creativity is endless. On once you pass the first area you will be allowed to download others maps which are extremly awesome. this sort of game does not even need a sequal because the developers put a lot in the game already if anything they just should allow DLC on the Playstation Store
Graphics 10
Gameplay 10
Voice/sound 10
Mulitiplayer 10
Little Big Planet 10