I cant even put this game in category nor really explain how unique it is.
First off Sackboy rules!!!!! Hes such a unique character because his/her looks can change on the spot an the fact that Sony has made Sackboy influenced video game characters is so cool.
I wont be one of people making levels but ive seen and played a few stages an the creativity in this game is huge. When it comes to making this game you are really only limited to your own creativity. So far my fav made levels are the ghost busters themes and God of War.
Sony really hit it out the ball park with this game it has potential to be a big phenomenon. Hopefully it will because it is deserved. Everything about the game is great to the characters game play and graphics.
My only problem i have with the game is the jumping can be a little aggravating on certain levels but besides that its a must buy i suggest it to anyone who wants something different and just pure fun.