undenibly one of the best games on the psp this game is an instant classic and a no brainer for any gamer
simply put this is a masturpiece in many respects it is almost limitless due to building yoiur own levels and playing other peoples levels
here you will find the basic bare bones review
grapics = 9. very amusing and entertaining art style this is an art house
gameplay = 10 entertaining puzzles and platforming
leangth = depends will you create or download
story = 9.5 the only reason this is the amazing setting
the creation tools of little big planet are fabulous it is a pure joy for any body will an imagination at all so don't beleive the review they also add some more leangth to the game contradicing too of the reviewers remarks
also who the heck needs and kind of multiplayer any ways it is fun enough on your own and you might get angery will your friends you throw you in lava wich would be very anoying now I you should go buy it now