A game which finally welcomes you to "next-generation" gaming.
User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
So I'll keep this pretty snappy. Little Big Planet is a game like no other! Before I get started on LBP the game, let me start off by saying the following: LBP is hands down (in my opinion anyway) the first all-around "next-gen" game! Sure, there are plenty of games out there which show off the power of our new consoles. Amazing graphics, sound effects, innovation, etc. But all of those games cover just one or two of the qualities I just mentioned. Little Big Planet puts all of them together in the same game. Just to finalize it as the 'Game of the Year', the production-levels of this game are astounding. Simply amazing production value. That would explain the movie-like introduction. The game is simple enough to explain...it's a left-to-right-scroll-platformer like the old Super Mario Brothers, Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog games. "That's it!?" you ask. Yup! That's it. You take the place of "sack boy" (an unofficial name I gather) which is a little creature made out of burlap, who must travel the world helping different creatures out with their problems, finding run away grooms, grabbing ugly dogs with a lantern tied to it's head so you can light your way, finding and then pulling an ugly drunk humpty-dumpty looking dude to the end of the level, etc etc. I know none of that made sense, but once you play you'll understand. Something that the developers got right was the "feel" of the game. A quality which is disappearing from most games nowadays (*little side-note...if you do your homework you'll come to the realization that the developers who try to give their games a "feel" are the ones making the best games right now! Gears of War, Bioshock, Dead Space, etc). So what is LBP's "Feel"? The fact that you "feel" like you're playing around with real life materials. Rocks look like rock, dirt looks like dirt, and wood looks like wood, and-so-on-and-so-on. But the other feel of the game is the idea that you feel like you are in total control...which you are btw. Look this game is great, it's a fun platformer which if you think about, the fact that a group out there was able to make a simple left-right-scroll-platformer on a PlayStation 3 this fun just proves that they are all masters of their craft. Wait a minute though! I'm not done. There's something else to LBP...actually, I have only given you a description of half of the game! Wait...didn't I just say that this was a left-to-right-scroller right? What more could there be? Did I mention that it's multiplayer? Whoops I forgot, yeah it's a multiplayer platformer. Buuuuuuuuut WAIT! Theeeeeeeeeres MORE! LOL. I'm saving the best for last. Besides the fact that LBP is a multiplayer game, you can also get online with LBP! Not for multiplayer however, no, for something much grander in scale. LBP allows you to design an entire level, from start-to-finish; anything your brain thinks of you can build it and put it into the game! When I say anything you want I mean it! If you want to build a contraption that moves, then by all means build it! But wait...there's more! Hahahahahaha. Check this out, and this will be the end of my review (thank you if you managed to read through to this point without going nuts thanks to my "writing"). Once you build your level...you put it online and the rest of the world can not only play your masterpiece but also rank it. Trust me when I say that this game is like nothing you've ever played before. It's worth every penny.