Great game but understandably not to everyone's taste!
Before I start, I'd like to point out that in my opinion the best part of this game is the creation part, not the single player, not the online, but the creation.
So before you've even read this review it's pretty easy to understand that if you don't like spending huge amounts of time creating something, you will probably get bored of this game and not enjoy it to the point of validating a £35 purchase.
The single player is the game's weakest aspect and in an hour or two you will find yourself thinking "is this a true story mode or am I just going around collecting stuff?". Unfortunately most people would go for the latter, as would I.
The story doesn't really feel like a story. Due to the game's design, there are no cutscenes, animations etc. As everyone is well aware, everything you see in the story mode you can recreate yourself. As interesting as this is, it does however cause the story mode to feel a bit off.
However the true gem in this package is the game's creation.
Once you have completed the story mode and collected as many items as possible (and gained a few ideas on just what can be accomplished with this game) it is time to jump in your pod and enter the My Moon.
In My Moon you can create your own level, test them and publish them.
As previously mentioned, this will not be to everyone's taste.
For those of us who like to think we have a little creative streak, then there aren't many situations that compare to the feeling when you see your level come to life after countless hours of hard work.
I personally have been working for over 10hrs (accumulated) on my level, and it is only about 20% complete. This should highlight the amount of time and dedication required in pulling off something that others will play and enjoy.
However I have enjoyed every moment of it. There are countless moments when I have an idea in my head, but I cannot figure out how to translate it to the LBP world. Then there is great joy when I finally figure something out and advance to the next part.
For this alone I would say LBP is one of the best purchases this year. It is completely engrossing and you will find yourself thinking about what to design next all the time! Just before you sleep an idea might pop in your head and you'll quickly get up to scribble it down!
If you fancy a break you can always delve into the online world and enjoy other people's creation (be wary as there are many many half-hearted efforts clogging up the world!) or join a friend and aim for the hiscore.
I have given this game a 9.5 because I feel it great value for money and offers ALOT for a single game.
There are a few issues at the moment - the biggest one being the lag experienced online- but these issues are not permanent so it shouldn't lower the game's score. I do hope they are fixed soon!
I'd also like to see an option for moving the camera in the create mode whilst holding an object - this is a huge cause of frustration!