In a world where the story levels are only half the fun and personalization reigns supreme...
User Rating: 9.5 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Where should I begin, this game is fun that should be the entire review but there is a maximum number of characters so I can't do that. But I will give you a review so lets cut to the chase. The game all together has maybe 24 levels all very fun some frustrating and some long. The soundtrack has all those songs you've never heard but still somehow end up on comercials like, "Left Bank by Two" by the Noveltones. I really liked customizing my sack, person, thing with lots of choices to choose from some funny some horrible some actually cool like the soviet union clothing from the last few levels. But I'd have to say I liked creating your own level the most considering the Internet won't work on my ps3. BUT REMEMLBER DON'T TRY TO MAKE A LEVEL WITHOUT UNLOCKING ANYTHING IT WILL FAIL. So go ahead buy it, rent it, have some fun.