Customize and cheese-fries, it's the most fun you'll have platforming and creating content in any game!!

User Rating: 9.5 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Little Big Planet is a great platforming game and its core; fun, bright and vibrant. There are puzzle solving elements as well as traditional running-towards-the-right-side-of-the-screen elements, so it's a snap to pick up too. It has a great look and sound, as well as overall 'cuteness' factor that can't be overlooked. The levels Mm made are great, and set you up for everything else in the game. It *thrives* on user content, which there is a NEVER-ENDING amount of, and I am SUPER impressed by the support it has on PSN. I mean stuff was up the day of/after the game came out, so that was a big plus for me, I like to see that kind of support.
I highly reccomend this game for anyone who wants something fun to play, loves map-editing tools and the like, or just has an overall creative streak/urge to make whatever they can dream up in the game. Multiplayer is super fun too!