A new experience every time you play.

User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Graphics- 10/10. Sometimes amazing graphics isn't about detailed models, shadows, etc. but about eye-stunning visuals and creative levels filled with more colors than your mind can handle.

Gameplay- 10/10. Creating levels can be both difficult and easy, and it all depends on your creativity. You are in control of nearly every aspect of this game, and the power given to you is sometimes too much to behold.

Storyline- 8/10. Cute story. This game certainly isn't about a perfectly developed story. Consider the storyline a taste of what you are capable of creating; the true storyline is the masterpiece you will produce upon purchasing this game.

Value- 11/10. No, that isn't a type-o, I actually rated the value 11 out of 10. Every time you turn on your console to play Little Big Planet, your gaming experience will change. There are countless levels created by countless players with unique stories. Also, replaying the story mode is very rewarding as you can find objects, stickers, and costumes that you may have missed and use them to create your personal sackboy, master level, or cool pad.

Sound/Music- 11/10. Okay, I had to add this. I've owned Little Big Planet since the launch (and even played the beta) and I still continue to whistle the many catchy tunes. Just like Mario had his own theme song, Sackboy now has his.

Overall Score- 10/10

NOTE: I don't recommend purchasing this game if your ps3 does not have online capability. For users without online, rent it; otherwise, you may become bored.