reminds me of the mario games....

User Rating: 9.5 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
LITTLE BIG PLANET BLEW MY MIND! i first saw it and i said,im definetely trying this out! and the way people talked about it,you would think that its overrated but when i tell you that this game is fun,i mean it! =) if you liked mario games (who doesnt really) then you LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE tyhis game! you can customize your own sackboy,do whatever you want with him you can make him dance if you want! you can make your own levels,play other peoples levels,and ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT MORE! you can put stickers on your sackboy and levels! you can play with the paintball gun(you have to buy the pack at psn store for it! it costs $6) doesnt my review text say it all about this game? its not perfect,but itsmclose to being perfect,lets hope sony continues perfecting this game until we can really call it, a true masterpiece. WARNING:this game contains highly addictive content lol once your on,your never off!