Little big planet may look like a little kids game but it isnt. read the review to find out why.

User Rating: 9.5 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Little big planet is a platforming game for the ps3.

Awesome dlc
Its awesome that you can make your own stickers
You can make levels and its easy.
There is a tutorial for making levels
Co op is so cool and its fun
A good amount of single play levels

Messed up cameras in multiplayer

Making levels : Making levels is really easy you just need to be imaginative and there are tutorials any way.There are switches , pistons , lots of materials ,water if you have dlc , paint gun if you have dlc , and lots more!

Community levels: Community levels are really cool. Ive played shark survival levels , skate boarding , bomb survival , Olympic , music levels , outfit tutorial levels, jumping levels , gta level and lots more

customizing sack boy: There are 2 ways you can customize your sack boy. 1 you can collect head , hair , material , waist, torso , neck , hand, trouser in story mode and dlc you can get some cool ones if you do levels without dieing.2.You can make outfits from stickers. there are costume tutorial levels that give you the stickers and they tell you what to where.

Co - op : Co - op is so fun but it get annoying when players are far away from each other.You can play with 4 people online and offline this is good because some parts of offline levels have puzzles and you need 2 ,3 ,4 players to do them but you can walk past it if your not interested,If you do them you all get a prize.

Pod:The pod is really good and you can use decorations.

Gameplay : Really fun and easy to make levels 9/10
Multiplayer: the community levels are really good and co op is fun but the camera ruins it 8.5/10
graphics: There good for this game 9/10
Sound: The sound effects when playing are really cool and the music is so good this game has the best soundtrack. 10/10
Story: The story is good 9/10
replay value: awesome replay value 10/10