When I started playing the game, i got use to the control's in seconds. The physics used are great, when you make your own level, and you place a block of wood it will tumble down to the floor. The game has a good sense of Humor which i wasn't expecting, For example, punching a fellow sack boy. The add-on's from the PSN store are really good. i wasn't expecting there to be any metal gear solid characters, the only bad thing is when you are own co-op the camera seems to follow only one person, it gets frustrating after a while. I Didn't like making my own levels to start with, the whole concept of using switches baffled me, but over time i learnt how to use them, The Online is really good, although for me it keeps cutting off (because I'm a Nat type 3 ), You can place decorations in your pod, so it feels more homely. Overall this is a wondrous game and I'm still playing it today.
Ever felt you were seeing something ahead of it's time? Something pushing ahead of everything else? This is what playing Little Big Planet feels like, a game pushing the features of the console it's on, and it's all the ... Read Full Review
When i first picked up LittleBigPlanet, i had second thoughts about buying it. I'd heard so much about how it's a great game and really well made, how it was a turning point in gaming. When i read the back cover, i saw a... Read Full Review