Fantastic game, especially for multiplayer
To start off with, it really drags you in. For a platformer, its very immersive. You start off with your sackboy and you slowly collect objects around the game levels to add to your sackboy. Items can also be found to make your own levels
Graphics: The graphics are really good. Good AA, high resolution, smooth rolling textures. No complaints in my opinion
Dialogue: I feel the dialogue of the game is good, but the talent of Stephen Fry was wasted as he only speaks during the intro and tutorials mostly. However, other dialogue in game is very, surreal? But as its in a dream world that is understandable.
Storyline: As far as story is concerned its very old school, with every level having 1 or 2 different storys in them. The actual variety of these is very appealing, from rescueing people to riding a dog through a catacomb.
Multiplayer: This is where the game excels! In the first level, switched on the second controller and my gfs sack"girl" drops in. We run around on a shared screen(no split screen nonsense which I thought was nice). By collecting items and working together you can get through the levels quite easily, although expect some frustrating moments. I thoroughly enjoy this game with more players and its great to have 4 people playing at once at a party. Alongside Buzz! it makes the PS3 a very good toy for when your drunk!
Overall: Excellent game, if you've got kids or your a kid at heart and like a light-hearted game. This is for you! If you want an easy, relaxing game where friends can literally drop in when they like, this is for you! A fantastic game and considering its now for £10 online its a bargain!