littlebigplanet can never be out staged
User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Littlebigplanet is a great and fun experience for all and for a good price especially when you can buy it with a controller. The levels are fantastic the design of it is just amazing first time you buy littlebigplanet a great level is shown to you which is the introduction. The intro is so well made with things popping up and jumping up at you. The first levels are great they mainly are made to tell you how to play and stuff. The music makes littlebigplanet a great game with songs that you may have never heard or songs that you are familiar with like the metal gear solid songs which are in the dlc. Which brings me to the dlc the dlc is great with new levels, new costumes and new stuff to have in the game like objects and stickers. The main reason why this game is so popular is because of sackboy. Sackboy is the main character of littlebigplanet and is a fun thing to play with. You can move his hands by pressing the directional pads and hes body the same way except you push in the left joy stick. The stuff you can put on sackboy is funny as ever you can put him in hats, tops, pants, glasses, hand accessory's and more. Overall this is a great experience for all and the community is great and growing so pick this up and play until your purple. Even if you just walk past it you will look at the front cover and say "wow"